понедельник, 12 июня 2017 г.

Волшебство. Рождение куклы за 1.5 минуты!

4 комментария:

  1. Mille mercis à vous, pouvez vous me donner les mesures de chaque élément (visage, bras, jambe etc...) je voudrais tenter de faire comme vous, ce que vous faites est si beau!
    Je vous embrasse

  2. I try to write you English because qd I write you in French it's rubbish, you can, please to indicate me the dimensions of the head, the arms, the legs etc. ..) many thanks to you, it is so beautiful what you are doing; I kiss you Eliane

  3. I try to write you English because qd I write you in French it's rubbish, you can, please to indicate me the dimensions of the head, the arms, the legs etc. ..) many thanks to you, it is so beautiful what you are doing; I kiss you

  4. Impossible de traduire en anglais, dommage
